Navajo Rug

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Here is more detail about The Navajo Churro Collection. There are 28 different styles of Navajo Rugs. Some Styles can be more difficult than others. The value of a piece will be affected by how intricate or tight it is. The general rule of thumb is that the piece will be more valuable if the weave is tighter and more precise. The condition and value of a Navajo Rug is a major factor. It is important to weigh the condition factors (is the weaving straight and clean? Is it damaged? Does it fade? etc.). Consider your attraction to the weave and weigh them against each other. Sometimes problems can be fixed - but that blog is about Care & Repair.

J. Sublette, Navajo textile expert. Mark Sublette explains the reasons why Navajo blankets have such a high value. It boils down to three factors: rarity, scarcity, and artistry. Navajo blankets, an older version of Navajo weavings that were made between 1840-1890, are an older type. These textiles were soft and drapable and could be wrapped around the body to be worn. They are commonly called "wearing blankets". Note: Saddle blankets are a smaller, thicker type, but they don't have the same value as a wearing blanket. Even at their peak production, Navajo weavings proved difficult to find. It took a weaver as long as a year to create a blanket, not counting the time it took to raise the sheep to make the wool.

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By the early 1800s, Navajo weavers used wool exclusively, and became well known among both their Indian and Spanish neighbors for finely woven, nearly weatherproof blankets that became popular trade items. Traditional, Native-made blankets were wider than long (when the warp was held vertically) and were known as mantas.

area rugs with native american designs

area rugs with native american designs

Early blankets dating back to the mid-1800s have been the most rare, with only 50 examples known. Collectors love the rarity and value of Navajo blankets. Many of them consider a fine Navajo cloth to be the foundation of their collection. This combination of rarity, collector enthusiasm and high prices is evident in these textiles. Navajo blankets rival modern art in terms visual appeal. Navajo blankets offer a study in balance, composition and contrast, whether they are simple, bold stripes as in early blanket examples or more complex, "eyeazzler" geometric patterns that were created when synthetic dyes became readily available.

Navajo Rug

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These rugs are made with high-quality wool and yarn. This ensures that they will last many years. Because of their fragile construction, it is recommended to wash them by hand. The vibrant colors of Navajo rugs come mainly from natural pigmentation or vegetable dyes. These colors will last longer than expected and won't get ruined by washing. They can live for many years if you keep them clean and in good condition. Actually, there are four kinds of Navajo rugs. These include Ganado, Two Grey Hills and Klagetoh. The design difference determines which category is used. These two categories have the most simple designs, while the Ganado is more complex than the Klagetoh. The Navajo sheavers chose four colors to reflect their culture and spirituality. These colors are: yellow, blue, black, and yellow. These colors were used to symbolize their tribe via the rugs.

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vintage original native american rugs

Compared to the other types of rugs, the weaving method is a bit different which is both a tricky and exhausting process. Because, these rugs are made with handlooms which are operated manually. Back in that time, the weavers used to set up their looms between two trees. But nowadays, they use poles instead of trees and sit on a small tool or just on the floor while weaving on the loom. The weavers overlap the threads in several stages for a perfect base pattern and then put layers of other designs over them. Often black and white stripes on them are known as distinctive patterns by which people can recognize these rugs. If you notice the wool and fabric of the Navajo rugs, you can surely tell the difference from other types of rugs. The Navajos made high-quality hand-spun wool from their own sheep for using on the rugs. Besides, they used a special type of yarn named Saxony, which was silky and naturally tinted. So, these rugs were made with all-natural components, which ensured the high quality of the Navajo rugs. Besides, it was difficult to spin these wools, which made these rugs so expensive as a price of the exhausting work and effort of the weavers. Some unique designs of the Navajo rugs made them distinctive and special. These rugs hold different types of geometric patterns on the surface, which are quite unique from most other rugs. As we have discussed before, the Navajo weavers overlap different yarns on their handlooms for several strips of design. These stripes were extremely thin but distinctive among the hundred other stripes on the same rug.